Wednesday, May 2nd

10:00AM Lab Meeting
1 medium red delicious apple, 1 medium banana, 1 Promax mini-bar. Aha! I got smart today and brought my own food to the lab meeting to eat instead of relying on their usual fare of bagels, cream cheese, and juice. Admittedly I was green with envy watching everyone else munching happily away at their bagels and cream cheese (I could practically taste it in my mouth), but the fact that I was sitting on the opposite side of the room as the food prevented me from having any second thoughts. Oh, well that plus my willpower, of course :P Had 2 cups of water (16 oz.) while at lab.

12:00PM Goosebeary's Food Truck
Baked swordfish with lemon and pepper (10 oz.), with a small side of mixed vegetables. No rice eaten. I usually try to stay away from food truck fish, since they usually overcook it, but today I was desperate for something healthy and not laden with salt and sauce, so I saw this swordfish special and got it. Turns out their baked swordfish is actually quite good. A little bit too peppery at times, but mostly okay, and even moist in some places. Baker dining was serving baby back ribs tonight, so I decided to eat a nice lunch to prevent myself from being too hungry at dinnertime. Have to forgo the ribs tonight :(

5:00PM Fletcher-Maynard Academy – Girls Club for Science
Today was the last day this semester that I volunteered at the Girls Club for Science in Cambridge. We had a little science fair and lots of kids came by to look at our booth, at which we had wave bottles, tornado bottles, and a preserved starfish specimen. They were all pretty fascinated by it. Afterwards the volunteers had a little celebration party with Carvel ice cream cake, and we all had a piece (I know, I know). At least the piece was pretty small… (and boy was it good! I haven't had ice cream cake in ages!)

6:30PM Baker Dining
Contents of 1 regular wrap, eaten in a lettuce wrap. The wrap had roasted turkey, roasted chicken (total about 6 oz of poultry), lettuce, tomatoes, roasted zucchini, squash, eggplant, onions, mushrooms, and red & green bell peppers. I had mustard mixed with a little bit of ketchup as a condiment for my wraps. Here are the guts of my wrap all spilled out and not looking too pretty:

Now, to rearrange them into lettuce wraps…

Yummy! :) Drank 1 Nalgene bottle of water (32 oz.) during and after dinner.

7:30AM Dorm Room
12 oz. of water from the water fountain (bubbler lol). Staying up late to write a paper sure is tiring.

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