Category Archives: beverages

Tuesday, May 1st

Happy May! I can't believe summer is just around the corner, I feel like spring has barely settled in. Today my boyfriend had a special coat and tie dinner event for one of his classes in order to thank the class sponsors (they paid for the class equipment, it was a big deal). In anticipation, I knew I had to eat light for lunch so that I could compensate for the unavoidable pitfalls during the dinner. It was supposed to be worth $80 a person, so there was no way that I was going to go and not eat anything haha.

11:30AM Molecular Biology Lecture
Salad from Baker dining that I made last night. Consisting of: blanched broccoli, raw spinach, carrots, onions, corn, romaine lettuce, scallions, cucumbers, jumbo cherry tomatoes, egg whites from 2 hard-boiled eggs, topped with about 3 oz. of baby shrimp sauteed with garlic, lemon juice, and seasonings, all drizzled with 1/2 tbsp of fat free Italian dressing and 1/2 tbsp of fat free tomato basil dressing. The volume of the salad came to about 3 cups or so, which is a ton of vegetables lol. I was sitting there crunching away (probably quite loudly) for about 40 minutes or so, trying to eat my lunch. I had to get used to the taste of the dressing, which was a little bit nauseating at first. Let's just say that combining Italian and tomato basil is not a good idea for reasons that I'll leave out since this is a food diary and I don't want to gross you all out. The vegetables themselves were not bad though, and I felt pretty satisfied afterwards. My favorite item was the blanched corn, which added a touch of sweetness to the veggies. The shrimp were also delicious, with just the right amount of lemony-garlic flavor to perk up the salad.

Salad eaten with 1/2 bottle of water (8.5 oz).

6:30PM MIT Faculty Club (Alfred P. Sloan Building) – Cocktail Hour
Cocktail hour to start off my boyfriend's dinner party. Admittedly I didn't hold back (I had a bowl of vegetables for lunch, I was starving!), so for appetizers I grabbed a few grapes, a couple florets of raw broccoli, a slice of cantaloupe, 5 small baguette slices, and 3 crackers, with buttermilk herb dip and roasted garlic spread on the side. So good! The herb dip and roasted garlic were heavenly when paired together and eaten with the baguette rounds. My boyfriend had to practically stop me so I wouldn't get full on them before dinner haha. Probably also has something to do with me cutting carbs out of my diet for the past few days, my body knows what it wants! Since it was cocktail hour after all, I also had a glass of white wine on the side. It was subtle and a little bit sweet, which went well with the appetizers.

After looking at the menu from the faculty club catering page, this is what the appetizer spread consisted of in total:

Rustic Tuscan:
An Artfully Displayed Assortment of Imported Cheeses
Gourmet Crackers and Rustic Breads
Fresh Sliced Seasonal Fruit and Berries
A Bounty of Crisp Baby Vegetables with Buttermilk Herb and Blue Cheese Dips
Citrus Roasted Country Olives
Eggplant Caponata and Roasted Garlic Spread
Farmhouse Style Chutney and Whole Grain Mustard

Random interjection b/c I dunno where else to put it: this is me being vain in my room prior to the dinner: (I like dressing up for events)

7:15PM Three Course Dinner
The MIT faculty club is actually a rather nice spot on the top floor of the MIT Sloan building. It has large windows that overlook the Charles River, with a beautiful view of the Boston skyline. Since the sun was setting when we sat down for dinner, it was particularly soothing to watch the light blue sky fade to a dark blue. Our table settings were very formal, with multiple forks, knives, and dessert utensils all set out before us, as well as multiple glasses for water, wine, and coffee. On a small plate in front of us sat a dainty pat of butter in the shape of a flower (they call this a butter rosette on their menu). Aside from the fact that the tables were a little bit crowded (10 people to a table), the presentation was pretty nice. I sat directly facing a window, so I was able to look out at the city skyline all night.

The first course was salad, which was a plate of mixed greens with a few grape tomatoes, tossed in a light vinaigrette. On top of the salad sat a single toast point with a layer of sweetened cheese spread piped on top. I think the toast with cheese was my favorite part of the salad. It had been baked in an oven, so the toast was warm and crispy, while the cheese was lightly browned on top. My boyfriend commented that it tasted like a danish, but I thought it was much better. Mind you, it wasn't ooey gooey cheese like cheddar or mozzarella. It was more like a grainy cheese spread, a combination between cream cheese and ricotta. From the menu, this was salad with "Warm Goat Cheese Crostini and Orange Sherry Vinaigrette Dressing"

The servers poured wine for us, and I requested a red wine, which I thought would go better with the steak than a white wine. Unfortunately the red wine was very acidic, and didn't complement anything I was eating, so I left it alone for the rest of the night.

Then came the bread basket full of "Artisan rolls", which was passed around the table. I picked a dark brown looking square loaf just to give it a try. To my disappointment it was pumpernickel, which I really dislike. (We did a lab in my chem lab class that involved purifying caraway essential oil. The strong flavor of pumpernickel comes from the use of caraway seeds, therefore I was thoroughly sick of that smell by the end of that lab.)

Next the entree. Greg and I both opted for the steak entree instead of the pasta one. I'm glad I chose the steak, as the pasta dish was a big mound of rich and heavy pasta primavera in a thick cream sauce. The steak entree came as a 12 oz. sirloin, cooked medium rare, on a pool of gravy. It came with a small side of mashed potatoes piped to look like whipped cream (the volume was about the size of a scoop of ice cream), and 4 sticks of asparagus wrapped with a piece of carrot, next to a random piece of roasted red pepper. The presentation was pretty nice, and the flavor of the steak was quite good too. I normally dislike steaks because I don't like the excessive chewiness of grilled beef. However, since this sirloin was grilled medium rare, with a gravy sauce, I actually enjoyed it. The texture was easy to chew on, and the sauce gave the steak a richer flavor, not just that of meat. I think it was a mushroom based sauce, at least it tasted that way. The mashed potatoes were extremely good, because they were very buttery and creamy. Everyone at the table had commented on how decadent the mashed potatoes were. The vegetables were good, albeit sparse. I would have preferred more vegetables on the side for variety. On the menu this is called "Grilled Black Angus New York Sirloin of Beef with Forest Mushroom Ragout, Asparagus Bundle, and Dutchase Potato". So I was right on the mushroom sauce :)

Finally, after our entrees, came a most delicious dessert, their "Classic Apple Tart". Apple tart with a mini-scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, drizzled with caramel sauce. The apple tart was amazing. It had a buttery crust that was topped with beautifully laid out slices of apple. The fact that the apple was baked on top of the tart meant that it didn't turn into a pool of mush like it does in regular apple pie, and they must have used something other than granny smith apples since they weren't tart at all. The richness of the tart was balanced perfectly by the refreshing little bit of ice cream. My only qualm was that there were no dessert drinks (milk, coffee, or tea) offered to us until after we had finished our desserts. I could have gone for some milk to go with the tart instead of just ice water. Still, the tart was such a guilty pleasure, and I loved every minute of it haha.

Ah… what a satisfying dinner. And it was all for free, thanks to my boyfriend taking that class of his lol. But now I gotta get off my ass tonight and work out some more to burn some of this splurge-fest off. Bummer! Here I am, probably on a sugar high from the dessert, after the dinner was over: (I'm standing in front of a map of MIT on campus lol)

11:00PM Dorm Room
1.5 bottles of water (25.5 oz).

1:00AM Baker Gym
30 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes stretching, 15 minutes lifting weights (they're easier to lift today, yay!) Don't ask me why I'm always working out at such late hours. I do everything late at night, it seems.

Monday, April 30th

10:00AM MIT Shuttle en route to lab
1 Promax mini-bar. I was hoping to get something different at a wellness week healthy breakfast event this morning, but apparently they ran out of everything except cereal when I had gotten there. I was in a rush to get to lab, so I just poured some frosted cheerios into a ziplock bag for snacking on later. The Promax bar did a good job of tiding me over until lunch though, especially considering that it is only 1/4 the size of a normal protein bar.

1:15PM Lab Lounge
Leftovers from a Whitehead seminar. 6 oz of roasted seasoned chicken (white meat), 3/4 cup of Italian pasta salad (bowtie pasta with chopped up peppers, onions, carrots, and grape tomatoes, topped with Italian dressing and romano cheese). I wanted to avoid the carbs in the pasta salad, but I didn't have a whole lot of options, since the chicken and pasta salad were the only leftover food available. (If I had gone elsewhere to buy food on campus, the choices would have been worse, trust me). The roasted chicken was not bad though, albeit bland. I guess that's a good thing. The pasta salad was actually quite delicious, especially with the crunchy vegetables mixed in. It reminded me of mango salsa for some reason. Meal eaten with 2 cups of water (16 oz.)

4:30PM Dorm Room
Small handful of frosted Cheerios, just to hold me over until dinnertime. Thank god they're made with whole grain oats lol. 1/2 bottle of water (8.5 oz.)

6:30PM Baker Dining
1 entree of chicken fajitas, eaten as lettuce wraps. I love chicken fajitas, but seeing the flour tortillas that came with the entree made me a bit sad, so I decided to have some fun by making them into lettuce wrap chicken fajitas! And boy were they tasty as ever! The fajita fillings were given to us separately, so that we could fill our own fajitas to our liking. It came with 4 oz. of grilled chicken, grilled bell peppers and onions, salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, and a side of Spanish rice. I substituted the rice with a side of garlic sauteed green beans (much tastier than Baker's regular steamed green beans!). Then I proceeded to fill my entree box with the largest leaves of lettuce that I could find at the hamburger condiment station.

Here are the fajita fillings. Mmm!

It was so much fun making my lettuce wraps! I'd put a big leaf of lettuce on my palm, and line up chicken pieces along the length of it. Then I'd throw on the grilled peppers and onions, and I even put the green beans in my wrap (it went really well actually!). Finally I'd put in a few teaspoonfuls of salsa and a sprinkle of the shredded cheddar cheese. I added just a smidgen of sour cream to a couple of the wraps to give it some extra flavor, but overall I left it alone. I think wrapping the chicken fajita fillings in lettuce actually made them taste better than if they were in flour tortillas, since the lettuce is so crisp and refreshing. So good!!! Here are some shots of my creation:


Dinner complimented with 1.5 bottles of water (25.5 oz).

12:00AM Dorm Room
1/2 bottle of water (8.5 oz).

1:00AM Baker Gym
30 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes of stretching.

2:00AM Dorm Room
Post-workout snack: 1 oz. of roasted unsalted almonds, with 1.5 teaspoons of honey, and 1 bottle of water (17 oz). I was thinking how weird it is that I was eating almonds smeared with a little bit honey and really really enjoying them, then I remembered that honey roasted almonds are a popular item, so duh it makes perfect sense. Dunno why I never see people eating them this way though.

Sunday, April 29th

With one week left until my senior ball, I'm going to try my best to eat healthy this week and shed some water weight in the process to get rid of any excess bloating. I bought my dress already, though I ended up buying 3 of them and haven't chosen between them yet. I hope to look good no matter which one I pick, so I gotta rev up the shape up effort this week for sure. I will make an extra effort to work out and record it along with my eating choices. This week I will focus on minimizing my carb, salt, and sugar intake, while increasing water, fruit, and vegetable consumption. Wish me luck, because I sure need it!!! :)

12:00PM Dorm Room
Salad that I got on Friday as a side to the Sunset sandwich. It consisted of 4 raw cucumber slices, 3 jumbo cherry tomatoes, several pineapple chunks, 1 hard-boiled egg, and 1.5 tbsp of cottage cheese. Supplemented with 1 Promax mini-bar and 1/2 a bottle of Poland spring water (~8.5 oz). p.s. cottage cheese is nasty stuff, I can't understand how some people enjoy this stuff. The texture is gross, the flavor is weirdly salty and plasticky, and it's just gag-worthy in general.

7:30PM Baker Dining
1-1/3 cups of oriental curry chicken with a side of broccoli. I like Baker's rendition of Chinese curry, it's not a cream or roux-based curry like Indian and Japanese types. It is more of a broth-y curry, made with chicken broth and curry powder, and quite savory but not spicy. The chicken curry dish tonight had chicken breast pieces along with lots of vegetables such as onions, carrots, and zucchini. I thought it they all worked really well in the curry sauce, yum! I asked for no rice in the entree, and instead substituted with extra broccoli (1.5 cups). Meal eaten with 1.5 bottles of water (25.5 oz). Admittedly the curry probably has a good deal of salt, but it was better than any of the other options, which were vegetable lasagna and coconut fried shrimp with fries and cole slaw.

11:30PM Baker Gym
40 minutes of cardio on elliptical, 10 minutes of stretching, and 20 minutes of lifting weights (10 lb dumbbells). 1 bottle of water (17 oz). It's fantastic that Baker now has a nice TV in the room to keep you entertained. Really helped the 40 minutes of cardio fly by. I watched part of LOTR 1 and part of Signs.

1:00AM Dorm Room
1 small navel orange. Working out sure makes you hungry afterwards. Or maybe it's the smell of curry still lingering in my room from dinner haha.

2:30AM Dorm Room
5 roasted cashews. 1 bottle of water (17 oz).

Haha this blows, I just realized that this week Baker dining is serving some of my favorite guilty pleasures on their menu. What terrible timing! Not to mention that all the while my boyfriend is sitting in his room eating Chinese takeout and fancy desserts. He plans to come to Baker dining to eat the baby back ribs that are being served this week. *shakes fists*

Man, this drinking adequate amounts of water business is tough! I've already been putting in extra effort today, and my stomach is feeling that sloshy feeling you get when you drink a lot of water. But I've still only had 67 oz total, out of the recommended 73 oz if you don't do any exercise. If you exercise you're supposed to drink even more. This is going to be tougher than I thought lol. But it's no wonder then that most of us are always dehydrated.

Friday, April 27th

11:15AM Lab Lounge
10 oz of Odwalla Soymilk Chai (leftover from yesterday's bottle that I bought). It's a busy lab day today, so I had practically no time to eat anything all day.

4:00PM Lab Lounge
1 Bosc pear. Hungry!!!

7:30PM Baker Dining
1 Sunset sandwich (1 egg, 1 sausage patty, slice of cheddar cheese on a bun). Baker used to serve breakfast at dinnertime each night. For some reason they stopped doing it recently, but one of the menu items that they used to have was called the Sunrise sandwich, which was like what I ate except it had 2 sausage patties, and 2 eggs (damn!). The Sunset today was good though, pretty much hit the spot after a day of practically fasting. Unfortunately the grill guy overcooked my egg, since I prefer mine to have a runny yolk, but I guess overcooking it made it less messy to eat. I skipped the home fries side, and opted to grab a side salad instead that I'm saving for another time.

Also shared the remaining leftover duck soup (from Monday's peking duck meal) with my boyfriend. Mmmm so delicious! This last quart of soup was mostly pieces of duck skeleton, since when they packed it up they poured most of the soup into the first quart. But there was still some soup and it was still as tasty as ever. Lots of vermicelli, tofu, and napa strewn about in the soup too. Divine!

1:00AM Dorm Room
A few malted milk balls that I mooched off of my boyfriend. I love these things, I used to really like those "Whoppers" brand malted milk balls when I was little.

5:30AM Dorm Room
2 small slices of leftover watermelon from yesterday's BBQ.

Thursday, April 26th

12:00PM Building 4 Cafe
1 box of salmon cucumber sushi (12 half-sized pieces), 6 oz. of Odwalla Soymilk Chai… soooo tasty! You all know that I love Chai anything, but it tastes great combined with soymilk, especially since it hides the strong soymilk flavor. Plus, I usually get a small allergic reaction to soymilk, puffy lips and itchy throat type of thing, but today I was just fine. Yum. I saved the rest of it in the fridge at lab, so I'll be having it tomorrow for breakfast or something.

6:00PM Baker Courtyard – Annual Piano Drop Event with BBQ
2 hot dogs (no buns), 1 bbq chicken breast (4 oz), few bites of pasta salad and potato salad, half a boiled corn on the cob, 1 piece of watermelon, 1 chocolate cookie, 1/2 piece of brownie. The bbq was pretty good, a nice change of pace from the regular dining, and also all-you-can-eat, though I didn't have room left for seconds of the barbecued items. I liked the bbq chicken breast the best, since it had a nice bbq sauce on top that was a good blend of sweet and sour. The chicken was also not too overcooked, which was pleasant. Pasta and potato salads were so-so, but provided a little variety from the meat. The watermelon was refreshing, though I wish I hadn't eaten the cookie and brownie half :/ The bbq foods (especially the hot dogs) were so salty that it left me craving sweets to balance the taste. Afterwards, I brought back a couple more slices of watermelon for a snack later on. I'm excited that watermelon season is almost upon us. It's my favorite summer fruit!

Oh and not to be forgotten, was the actual event that I attended. Baker dorm has an annual event called the "Piano Drop", in which an old piano is thrown off of the roof of Baker dorm, onto the courtyard below, as a tribute to our "drop date", which is the last day that you can drop a class during a semester. That day happens to be today. It's a pretty big event for us, the Boston news crew come to cover the event, complete with a helicopter lol, and there are police to make sure everything is safe. I've gone every year to see the piano drop, but this is the first year that I've stood close enough to see the piano fall and shatter to bits before my eyes. It was a lot of fun! Here are action shots of the actual piano dropping and smashing into an old arcade machine (photos shot by another Baker resident):

Piano drop 1Piano drop 2Piano drop 3Piano drop 4Piano drop 5Piano drop 6

Personally I think it's pretty awesome that they are able to place the game machine exactly in the spot that the piano falls on. Imagine how disappointing it would have been if the piano missed the machine haha.